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Auto Body Specialists offers post repair DV inspections and diminished value assessments

       What are these you ask?

Post repair DV inspection: This is a service Auto Body Specialists offers people who want the satisfaction of knowing just what kind of repair they received from the body shop that repaired their collision damaged car. We can do a simple cursory inspection or a full detailed inspection. We can make a simple list of things we may find or tell you the repair was great, average or poor. We can also do a full inspection, detailing good repairs, poor repairs; provide quality pictures of items that may need to be improved upon. In this inspection we will provide not only pictures but a written document that details any and all problems we may discover while inspecting your vehicle.

Diminished value: Diminished Value or loss in market value is the value you vehicle may lose as a result of a collision loss. In other words, the amount by which the resale value of a collision repaired vehicle has been reduced from the amount it would otherwise have enjoyed, had it not been involved in a collision. There are three types of diminished valve: Inherent, insurance related and repair shop related.

Inherent diminished value: The value you vehicle your vehicle may lose as a result of a collision loss. Remember it is now damaged goods. Would you pay full retail price of anything if it were damaged?

Insurance related: This type of Diminished Value may occur if the insurance company involved in your loss does not make a quality offer at the time of and / or at the conclusion of the repair. If an insurer refuses or negates to pay for necessary and needed parts, procedures and materials that may be needed to repair your vehicle to a condition that would best represent its condition prior to the collision. At that point, any items repaired incorrectly or not repaired at all, would and could possibly be insurer related Diminished value.

Repair Shop related: This type of Diminished Value may occur at the collision repair shop. Items not repaired correctly, not repaired at all or repair poorly or incorrectly would fall into this category. Any items paid by you, the consumer, but not completed would be considered repair shop related Diminished Value.

Why would you want a Diminished Value inspection? Maybe the satisfaction of knowing your family will be safe if the vehicle were to be involved in another collision. If the shop or insurer acted honorably. To make sure fraud was not committed or short-cuts taken. These are but a few things to think about.


POP Quiz For Your Car Insurance Agent!

INSTRUCTIONS: Don’t shop for your auto insurance by price alone. You get what you pay for (sometimes). If you are renewing your insurance policy soon or are shopping for insurance, here are a few key questions that you should ask the agent or company you are dealing with, before you spend your hard-earned money.

Have your agent or insurance salesperson take this “POP QUIZ “ and sign it. You should retain a copy so that if you need to collect for an accident or problem you will have some documentation to fall back on.

  • If I have an accident, will I be able to obtain repairs at the shop of my choice and have the bill paid in full (less my deductible), or will the insurance company try to direct me to a cut-rate shop, or one of their so-called “ preferred “ shops, (preferred for price only and not for quality, service or guarantee of repairs). I am buying insurance to protect MY investment, not jeopardize it, right?

  • Will the insurance that you are selling me, pay to repair my vehicle with genuine original equipment parts (OEM) or will you want to use aftermarket, generic, UN-crash tested parts that are inferior in quality, fit and safety?

  • Will the insurance company depreciate repairs to my car based on the year of the car or mileage? If so, how much and what parts are subject to depreciation?

  • If depreciation is a factor, do I get a reduced rate for insurance as my car gets older? How much? If depreciation is a factor, will I be able to recover the value my car has lost as a result of the accident (also known as diminished value). (Good luck with this one).
    If I have an accident, will my insurance rates go up? How much? Why?

  • Will my insurance rates increase when I reach a certain age? Many senior citizens are afraid to turn in an insurance claim and end up paying for repairs themselves. They are afraid that the insurance company will drop them. Do I have your assurance that I won’t be dropped if I file a claim?

  • What will the insurance company pay me if my vehicle is a total loss? How is this figure determined?

  • Do I have coverage for a rental vehicle if my vehicle is in a repair shop? (This coverage is usually inexpensive to buy, ask specifically if you want to have this coverage.) Do I have enough rental coverage to get a vehicle comparable to my own, and will it cover all the days my car is in the shop?

  • How much money do I really save on my premium each year with a higher deductible? (Not as much as your insurance company would lead you to believe.)

  • Is the price you are quoting me a firm figure or will there be additional hidden costs during the term of this policy?

REMEMBER, quality and safety in any repair protects your family and your investment.

Selecting the right repair facility is very important. Auto Body Specialists guarantees our repairs for as long as you own your car!!


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